
The Orthodontics Treatment allows correcting dento-facial disharmonies.

Is that specialty of dentistry wich encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and treatments of diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth or their substitutes and the maintenance of the health, function and esthetics of these structures and tissues.

The two-way relationships between periodontal disease and diabetes.

For years we've known that people with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease than people without diabetes.

Recently, research has emerged suggesting that the relation goes both ways-periodontal disease may make it more difficult for people who have diabetes to control their blood sugar.

More research is needed to confirm how periodontal disease can make it more difficult to control blood sugar. What we do know is that severe periodontal disease can increase the blood sugar, contributing to increased periods of time when your body functions with a high blood sugar. And, as a diabetic complications.

In other words, if you are among the nearly 16 million Americans in U.S. Who live with diabetes, or are at risk for periodontal disease see a periodontist evaluation because healthy gums may lead to a healthier body.